The Matrix revealed
Rita’s short video presentation comparing the True Original Tree of Life (left above)
with the devolved Luciferic Kabbalistic version (above right).
How the Matrix exists explained.
I’ve been an Energy Healer for years so can truthfully say other forms of energy work
tidy up the outer layers of the field, HeartMind Healing strengthens one’s core.
Julie K USA
I appreciate the ease and effortlessness of the techniques Rita is teaching. Thank you
for your dedication and unique work.
Jennifer RUSA
The power of the groups bonding which has brought growth to us all, has strengthened
my connection to Source and the Collective.
The feeling in the Space of Pure Potential is magnificent. If I had puppy ears, they
would point up in those moments.
I was relentless, focused on the work and made zero compromises: what a
transformation! Rita was there for me, and gave me a huge toolset.
Julie KUSA
The more I work with Rita the more I am feeling the layers of lies and limitations fall
away. Everything shared resonates positively; like a remembrance.
Rita’s sessions have been a gift of many miracles, at least 20 and counting! I have
experiences of increased clarity in Rita’s presence: an immersion experience of
Julie KUSA
Rita I often thank the Universe for your guidance in an apparently insane world.
You’re a guiding light that’s stayed through the years.
I was relentless, focused on the work and made zero compromises: what a
transformation! Rita was there for me, and gave me a huge toolset.
A huge thank you Rita; the session was monumental for me and very pivotal for my
journey going forward, as I’m sure you’re very aware.
Rita’s training courses have been life changing for me and certainly they are up there
with the most meaningful things I have ever done.
Sarah M USA
HeartMind Healing comprises the most effective and versatile healing and ascension
tools I’ve ever come across