Years ago I bought a book called The Cure for All Diseases by Dr Hulda Regehr Clarke PhD.,N.D. It’s a fascinating book complete with many case histories of Dr Hulda’s patients. In a nutshell it explains how parasites are at the root cause of all diseases and more importantly how to rid the body of parasites using a simple selective electrocution which works because because everything has a unique frequency. Dr Clarke gives instructions to build your own ‘Zapper’ as she calls it. A simple hand held battery operated device that kills parasites dead by matching their frequency.
Dr Clarke also explains how Solvents, chemicals, metals and toxins in general create the environment within the body which is ideal for parasites to flourish.
Yesterday I watched this video
The video features Dr Ryan Cole of Cole Diagnostics based in Idaho, USA . Dr Cole speaks of his prescriptions of INVERMECTIN as the drug of choice for his Covid patients. He explains that Invermectin is a safe well established drug that kills parasites. He sees great results very quickly in his CV patients.
I started to join dots.
Let’s take the following as my theory. Increased Radiation levels, heavy metals and chemical toxins all put pressure on the body to need to detox. Exosomes, are naturally created to carry the garbage and debris of the detox effect out of the cells into the bloodstream. These exosomes need to be cleaned up or excreted. Some are cleaned up by the immune system. Others become food for bacteria before they can become excreted. Bacteria in this case being helpmates to some degree in the clean up operation. However, in cases where the exosomes are too plentiful the bacteria begin to thrive too well and multiply. The plentiful bacteria then become food for the parasites. This food chain is fully explained in Hulda’s book.
The parasites then start to flourish and multiply because they are well fed. This causes problems in the major organs such as the liver (liver flukes), pancreas, gallbladder, teeth abscesses, bowel and so on.
My Zapper kills bacteria and parasites in under an hour. The warning is that if you start a three round treatment you must finish it within the hour. If you do not complete the specified time for the treatment you develop ‘flu’ like symptoms because you are not killing off the parasites and bacteria completely. That’s called a clue.
Dr Cole maintains that 70% of people are immune suppressed and 96% of people in ICU are Vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium are great immune system supporters. Vitamin D is a pro hormone Dr Cole says. He adds that normal Vitamin D levels reduce Covid symptoms by 90%. We need 8000 units a day of Vit D. There is even an App now that ‘minds your Vit D levels’ and tells you if you need to supplement.
Dr Cole stated that there is no such thing as ‘Flu Season’ there is simply low Vit D season.
So locking down healthy people and reducing their ability to be in sunlight to naturally increase Vitamin D is the complete opposite of common sense. In Scandanavian countries where short daylight hours in the winter cause lack of Vitamin D the governments offer people a Vit D test and medical advice on supplementation. Sweden did not lockdown and their statistics compared well. Just 20 minutes a day of sunlight without filtering during the hours of 11am to 2pm is adequate.
Dr Cole maintains that 50% of healthcare workers are now saying no to the va((ine. If there is a treatment for a health issue then the authorities cannot approve a va((ine for the same problem. Neither can they use the excuse of Emergency Measures to maintain tyrannical control of a nation. Makes me think. How about you?
You can purchase Zappers from various manufacturers but this Canadian manufacturer actually knew Dr Clarke and produces a great product. I’ve just bought a new one as my old one (photo above) is over 25 years old. This link takes you to the website that gives you lots more information about how Zappers work and why.