Taming Your Egoic Mind Masterclass
Why Tame your Ego?
Here are just two major reasons:
1. During this time of “Disclosure” it is increasingly important to release the egoic need to be right and find the humility required in order to be willing to uncover deceptions or errors in our thinking and beliefs, especially when it has been proven to be wrong by evidence related to Disclosure.
2. Ego Filters are actually inorganic so called ‘dead energy’ mind control structures.
We have become accustomed to the ego ‘identity’ as a ‘normal part’ of being incarnated on the 3D earth.
However make no mistake the Egoic Mind is an AI mind control structure. It is also a companion to other separate alien mind control implants.
All inorganic holographic mind control structures were deliberately inserted into the physical elemental bodies of human beings for the purpose of aggressive hybridization by Alien Invaders who conceived of an elaborate planetary infiltration approximately 5,500 years ago. The collective term for the architects of this plan and the creators of mind control implants is the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) .
The Egoic implant began a systematic DNA fragmentation, plus the deterioration of the collective mental bodies. The result being reduced mental body function, a lost awareness of one’s physical body’s processes, and the factual existence of our extensive and complex spiritual-energetic bodies that comprise our true multidimensional nature.
It is important to understand that as real as the ego ‘personality’ may feel, as a part of our human identity, it is a ‘dead energy’ structure. If we continually use a dead energy structure through which to focus our consciousness and individual personal energies it results in the depletion of our higher spiritual multidimensional bodies, and eventually deplete one’s life force. In a worse case scenario when not corrected soul damage and disconnection results. If this happens then our life force and body energy is open to abuse, hijacking, or theft by someone or something else.
This corruption of the physical body is simultaneous to the corruption of the physical mind. The ego filter while operating at a mind level has its base in the physical body. An aspect of our physical structure was hijacked and commandeered by the alien architects. The area of the body that houses this implanted filter is the coccyx. Indeed we refer to the area as a ‘Reptilian Tail’. This so called ‘tail’ is not organic to humanity. It is designed specifically to halt spiritual body activation. It also feeds energy reversals to ‘mind lock’ the body, and operates as a reptilian mind control projection device.
The egoic structure allows the human body to be controlled, directed, and lead, by the ‘unnatural mind’ which is perceived as an identity. That ego mind identity is a by-product of reptilian creation. By creating a false holographic insert version of the subconscious mind to be controlled by the reptilians, through basic bodily functions, they achieved their goal of infiltrating the physical body, the mind, and then the human soul and its power source.
If the body is under external control, that same control can be extended to control the direction and location of the soul. Indeed the Soul is open to being moved from place to place to serve the needs of the Alien Controller.
Additionally the higher and bigger objective of negative hybridization is to deteriorate the original human DNA. To ultimately shape human DNA to create the environment where only the reptilian mind will run the body. Thus the human becomes a cyborg type entity, which is beyond human, indeed its transhuman.
One step beyond mere control is to use the human body as a host and to manipulate the soul originally birthed into that body. This soul manipulation is desired because these entities do not have a soul. They are only inspirited. They are not connected to a soul of their own. Neither are they capable of connecting directly to the Divine Eternal Godsource through their Christos nature because it is absent in inorganic artificial AI type entities.
By controlling the mind and imposed egoic personality connected to a human body, the parasitic entity can access a weakened body and fragile mind to begin its goal of controlling the energies and direction of the soul.
When a Controlling Extradimensional entity is in a position to control multiple millions of human minds, this amounts to the ability to exert control over the collective mind of humanity. Thus exerting the control over the planetary body. Plus access to the massive power source, the quantic yield that becomes available from harnessing soul and other vital essences. This power source is so fundamental to the NAA that if they were to lose access to it their AI black hole phantom matrix world would dismantle itself and cease exist due to lack of energy. Only organic divinely created worlds are able to self sustain with infinite natural energy. Only AI creations are place themselves in the position of perpetual aggressive warring conflicts between factions for access to this hijacked human spiritual power source necessary for their continued survival.
It is for these reasons we currently find ourselves in a spiritual war instigated by the NAA, that is an attempt to regain territory and dominion over the vast myriad of consciousness levels where souls and other power sources have been harnessed. Removing this dead energy, its alien influences and ego filters are a massive leap on the stepping stone journey of reclaiming our sovereignty and freedom. Of ensuring our successful ascension. Of reclaiming our original Christos DNA and Diamond Sun Body template. And re-establishing our direct relationship with God, the Inner Christos spirit.
Originally recorded live in August 2021 (Part One) and February 2023 (Part Two) and now available to watch on demand. Duration 6.5 hours. Includes seven self healing meditations to remove dead energy and implants. By donation.