Fluoride is a waste product from the aluminum and nuclear industry that is highly toxic. It was first used in drinking water during the Second World War in Germany. The Nazi’s were seeking a way of dumbing down people. Fluoride creates a disabling calcification on the pineal gland (Third eye). It has no beneficial effects on teeth. That is a myth. In fact it makes them brittle and more prone to breaking (more detail in link below).
Encourage the rejuvenation of the Pineal Gland by discontinuing the consumption of tap water containing fluoride. Another way to develop the Pineal is to question and be curious.
The Pineal Gland is the home of the intuition. It senses Extremely low frequencies.
It is cone shaped about the size of a pea. (see image below of its location in the brain and a diagram of the gland itself). The stone carving is located in the Vatican Garden of the Pine Cone in Rome.
The Pineal is the first gland to be formed in the fetus and is distinguishable at 3 weeks old.
It is highly nourished with the best blood, oxygen and nutrient mix available in the human anatomy(second only to the kidneys whose function is the clear the blood of impurities). Because of this fact Herophilus, who lived 300 years before Jesus, concluded that the Pineal must play a major role in consciousness. He finally asserted that it was in fact “the gateway to our real self”. It is in effect a satellite dish receiving information from Source in the form of ELF messages.
Guru Satyananda said in 1972 “The Third Eye (ajna or brow) chakra energises the Pineal which is the centre of spiritual and psychic energy in the body carrying thoughts and psychic phenomena throughout the cosmos”.
It has been proven through the meticulous work of Dr Jennifer Luke of the University of Surrey in the UK, that the Pineal is the primary target of fluoride accumulation in the body.

Diagram of Pineal

The Pine Cone depiction of the Pineal in the Vatican Garden

Location of the Pineal in the brain.

More information http://www.poisonpaste.com/fluoride-history.php