Mirrored from Original news article in spanish:
by Carolina Contreras
To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? The 64 trillion question. Let’s look at what the first study comparing the health of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children says. Who is healthier?
The simplest way to demonstrate the superiority of vaccines is to do a study comparing the health of the vaccinated to the unvaccinated.
Vaccines are the cornerstone of modern medicine, its great weapon and success, and, supposedly, one of the most extraordinary achievements of mankind. It is not in vain that they protect us from the germ, that invisible terrorist that can attack us with the thousand and one faces of the virus.
What protects us from viruses protects us from major diseases because viruses and bacteria are the only reasons we get sick. Ask your doctors.
Pollution does not make us sick, nor do the horribly tortured animals that we think are food, nor the genetically modified seeds that grow on glyphosate, nor the pollution of air and water, nor wars, nor fumigations, nor poverty, nor medicines, nor ultrasounds, nor any of that.
Germs are the only ones responsible for our ill health.
Since we have magnificent combat weapons in vaccines, there is nothing simpler to demonstrate their superiority than to compare the health of those who prevent the ambushes of the natural world with that of the fools who do not allow themselves to be injected.
Why don’t these types of studies abound? They have been claimed for so many years and would be of interest to so many people and parents, that the most advisable thing would be to carry out a hundred and silence the voices of the heretics once and for all.
But no.
Few are willing to do them. Almost nobody wants to sponsor them. Nobody wants to publish them.
Or they publish them and they reject them… You see everything in the world of information.
Because although everyone is interested in the results of this type of studies and although they are the simplest, most scientific and sensible way of demonstrating the superiority of vaccines, it is a mystery that they are not abundant in the scientific literature.
Or is it that it is not?
The fact is that here it is, the first study comparing the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children: Vaccination and Health Outcomes: A survey of 6-to-12-years-old Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children based on Mothers’ Reports, by Anthony R. Mawson, Brian D. Ray, Azad R. Bhuiyan and Binu Jacob.
I quote from the study (translation mine):
“The purposes of the study are to 1) compare vaccinated and unvaccinated children on a broad range of health outcomes, including acute and chronic conditions, medication, and use of medical services and 2) determine whether there is a significant association between vaccinations and neurodevelopmental disorders….”
“There are very few randomized studies of any of the vaccines recommended for children in terms of morbidity and mortality, in part because of ethical concerns. One exception is the high-antibody measles vaccine, which was withdrawn from the market after several randomized studies in West Africa showed that it interacted with the DPT (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) vaccine and increased infant mortality by 33%.”
“There are some observational studies done on MMR and hepatitis B vaccine, but none on the full vaccination schedule. Knowledge is very limited, even for vaccines that have a long record of safety and protection against communicable diseases. The safety levels and long-term effects of vaccine ingredients, such as adjuvants [e.g., mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, and aborted fetal tissue] and preservatives, are also unknown.”
“The question of whether vaccines play a role in neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) is one of the great current controversies. NDDs include learning disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Syndrome (ASD or autism). Controversy has erupted because the U.S. is experiencing a “silent epidemic” of neurotoxicity in which 1 in 6 children (16.6%) suffers from a developmental disability. In 1996 the prevalence of autism was 0.42%, in 2010 it was running at 1.47% and between 2011 and 2014 it rose to 2.24% (1 in 45).The prevalence of ADHD has also increased substantially in recent decades.”
“The marked increase in autism and ADHD in recent decades suggests that there is an environmental determinant to which all children are exposed. Agricultural chemicals are an important current focus of research. However, because there are no data comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children, the possible role of vaccines in developmental disabilities and NDD remains unknown. The need to study the effects of vaccines is supported by the fact that the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out more than $3.2 billion in compensation for vaccine-generated injuries since its inception in 1986. A study that analyzed the awards shows that 86 were due to brain damage. All of the children had autism.
The findings
“Vaccinated children are much less likely to have been diagnosed with chickenpox and pertussis but much more likely to have been diagnosed with otitis media, pneumonia, allergic rhinitis, eczema, ADHD, autism and learning disabilities. They are also more likely to have used antibiotics, allergy and fever medication, to have had ventilation tubes implanted in their ears, to have visited a doctor in the previous year due to health problems and to have been hospitalized. Although the reason for hospitalization and the child’s age at the time were not determined, this result is consistent with a study that was done on 38,801 reports to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) of children who were hospitalized or died after being vaccinated.”
“The study also showed that there is a linear relationship between the number of vaccines given at one time and the rate of hospitalization and death. In addition, the younger the child was at the time of vaccination, the higher the rate of hospitalization and death. The hospitalization rate increased from 11% for 2 doses of vaccines to 23.5% for 8 doses of vaccines (with an R2 = 0.91). The probability of death increased significantly from 3.6% for 1 to 4 doses of vaccine to 5.4% for 5 to 8 doses of vaccine.
Vaccinated children are significantly more likely than unvaccinated children to have been diagnosed with the following chronic diseases:
3.7 times more likely (or 370%) to have any neurodevelopmental disorder (ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities).
4.2 times more likely to have Autism Spectrum Disorder (Autism)
4.2 times more likely to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
5.2 times more likely to have Learning Disabilities (LD)
30.1 (or 3100%) times more likely to have allergic rhinitis
2.9 times more likely to have eczema/atopic dermatitis.
On acute illness:
Vaccinated children are 0.24 times as likely (or less than one-fourth as likely) to be diagnosed with chickenpox and pertussis than unvaccinated children
Vaccinated children are 3.8 times more likely to have ear infections than unvaccinated children (380% more) and 5.9 times more likely to get pneumonia.
Gender differences among vaccinated. Boys (males) are much more likely to get sick than girls. Specifically:
They are 240% more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD.
430% more likely to have autism.
Have 230% more learning disabilities than girls.
One of the most important conclusions of the study states that, “In a final adjusted model, vaccination and not preterm birth remained associated with neurodevelopmental disorders, and the interaction between preterm birth and vaccination is associated with a 6.6-fold increased odds of having a neurodevelopmental disorder.”
Read the last paragraph again.
Babies born early and vaccinated are 660% more likely to have autism, ADHD or learning disabilities.
For Kevin Barry – father of a young teenager and autistic, and author of Vaccine Whistleblower, the book about the fraud committed by Dr. William Thompson at the CDC:
“Fully vaccinated, premature and male, it’s a very dangerous area, which is no surprise to anyone in the autistic community. The increase in allergies observed in the fully vaccinated group is further circumstantial evidence of the adverse effects of tinkering with an immature immune system.”
For your consideration: ultrasound is one of the causes of premature births. It is also one of the reasons why many of the deliveries have to be by cesarean section.
The study showed, with a p-value of 0.057, that the children of women who had more than 3 ultrasounds during pregnancy had a 320% higher risk of having neurodevelopmental disorders than those who did not have ultrasounds and those who had between 1 and 3 ultrasounds had a 170% increased risk.
This pioneering study comparing the overall health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children was first published in November 2016. The study was accepted and published on the Frontiers of Public Research journal portal and, 100 hours and more than 80,000 reads later, was retracted. According to Frontiers spokespersons, it was unaccepted.
On February 22 of this year, the New American News website published the study, which was given to writer James O. Grundvig-the author of Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement, and Government Betrayal at the CDC.
There are fundamental questions to answer:
Why are the CDC and the pharmaceutical companies pushing for more vaccines for pregnant women and their fetuses?
Is it just about greed and money?
Or is there something else behind this plan to vaccinate humans from womb to tomb?
Why this level of censorship on a subject that is of fundamental concern to everyone, and vital to all parents and all would-be parents?
Children are supremely vulnerable and defenseless, and it is up to us adults to make decisions, decisions that have lifelong consequences.
The information provided by this study needs to be known by everyone. And the more that is known, the greater the pressure for more studies like this one, with different designs, in other places, with other types of children and for other races.
The population used in this study is primarily white, and yet the data were consistent enough to conclude that non-whites are twice as likely to have adverse reactions to vaccines.
The CDC clearly knows what the Mawson study found: vaccines cause a host of problems in infants, triggering their immune and nervous systems in unnatural ways.
Dr. Edward Fogarty said in a telephone interview with James O. Grundvig:
“The neuroimmunological interfaces of fetal, neonatal and infant brain development are among the most complex processes of choreographed cell signaling and tissue architecture in all of mammalian and human biology. Many scientists and clinicians know that the vulnerabilities inherent in these complex developmental systems are linked. From a systems analysis, it is no surprise to many of us who are watching that train wreck from afar that injecting metals poses a risk of immune dysregulation and neurological injury.”
Dr. Fogarty is the chair of the department of radiology at the University of North Dakota. When he learned that the study had been censored, he said:
“As an academic and clinical imaging scientist whose specialty is grounded in the ethics of transparency, it is terribly disturbing that this manuscript is being censored. It begs the question: why?”
He paused, his voice becoming enraged, and added:
“Nowhere else in academia do we see the same level of censorship in research as in this field. In fact, the economic, professional, and political risks to anyone conducting safety research in this area of U.S. public health are so great, they have served to muzzle almost an entire professional class. Concerned physicians who are surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, primary care physicians, and even pediatricians face whispered threats of license losses if they dare to speak out, even within the profession.”
For Anthony Mawson, who has submitted the study to another scientific journal, it’s a game of patience.
Says Grundvig:
“The main difference between his population study and the one done by the CDC, which hired Poul Thorsen, a Danish scientific mercenary to cook data and produce fraudulent studies (known as The Danish Studies), is that Mawson did not change the study design parameters in the middle of the study, nor did he find out what happened by removing a swath of the data because he didn’t like the results.”
Obviously, Mawson’s study will be attacked by the pharmaceutical companies, their accomplices and the mainstream media, saying that “the results cannot be verified”, given that the study was designed to be done from anonymous surveys in 4 US states answered by home-schooling mothers with children between 6 and 12 years of age. But this criticism is meaningless, since the CDC used the same survey strategy in 2015, which yielded the stunning result that 1 in 45 children have autism, among newborn children [1].
Very uncomfortable with the results, Benjamin Zablotsky PhD, the principal investigator at the CDC, said in a telephone interview that that study was simply a survey and that the CDC would use its baseline surveillance system which, for some strange reason, yielded the same rate of 1 in 68 in 2014 and in 2016. Suddenly it has something to do with the latest CDC scandal, in which Judith Pinborough-Zimmerman, a CDC whistleblower, alleged fraud by the CDC in omitting data from its surveillance systems and publishing studies under the authorship of people who did not do them [1].
According to the Mawson study statistics, statistics that were collected in 2012, 1 in 13 of the vaccinated boys has autism. For girls the rate is lower but equally terrifying, 1 in 53 is diagnosed with autism. Taking into account vaccinated and unvaccinated children the statistic is 1 in 30, a figure far higher than the already chilling 1 in 45 from the 2015 CDC.
1 in 7 vaccinated boys and 1 in 15 vaccinated girls has been diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder.
1 in 83 unvaccinated children have been diagnosed with autism.
Vaccines are one of the most severe triggers of neurological disorders but so are ultrasound and the level of body contamination that mothers have. According to EPA statistics, 1 in 6 women have enough mercury in their bodies to harm their children.
In 1996 the prevalence of autism was 0.42%, in 2010 it was at 1.47% and in 2012 it rose to 3.3%, according to Mawson’s study. Given the CDC’s perverse inclinations to undercut these figures, Mawson’s is more reliable than the CDC’s 2.4%.
How much will it be at this year?
In 2014 alone, more than 1,000,000 cases of autism were diagnosed in the US.
Projections say that by 2030, 1 in 2 children will have autism, with 80% being male.
With all the horror I feel, I have to say that if we do not open our eyes and do not press for more studies like Mawson’s and for the decision to be vaccinated or not to be voluntary, we are going to fully comply with such macabre figures.
The evidence is not just in the numbers but in all the parks, hospitals and kindergartens.
For those who can see it.
For those who want to see it.
Carolina Contreras
Carolina is a writer and researcher, economist and historian. She writes literature collections for http://www.ellibrototal.com and has http://www.lapapeleta.com, a blog for independent spirits. Lapapeleta.com is her way of erasing boundaries and offering others her unbridled desire to explore, find, know and burn with the truth.
Original news article in spanish: https://seryactuar.org/2018/03/28/primer-estudio-de-vacunados-vs-no-vacunados/