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Recommended Resources for further research

Noel Tobin https://emerald24.org

From Noel’s website: The articles on this website draw from shared learning and explore frontier perspectives, as a contribution to the pool.  Needless to say, this is a work in progress.  Focus is on principles more than details or personalities.  There is no claim to authority.  The material stands on its own merits.  Please form your own assessments.       

Noel’s work  builds on work from other sources, particularly Keylontic Science (KS).  KS is a valuable body of work translated by E’Asha Ashayana from ancient records and Eieyani sources.  This is gratefully acknowledged.  There is great gratitude to the Speaker Team – E’Asha, ASaN Deane & Maryanne Callaway and to supporting teams and all who have facilitated this knowledge.  We all have much to share and support each other on this Pilgrim’s Progress through earthly life. 


Noel Huntley http://www.nhbeyondduality.org.uk/index.htm

A valuable cornucopia of articles, books and knowledge about metaphysics, earth grids, quantum science and Keylontic Science.

Ashayana Deane Book Voyagers II – all you ever wanted to know about Galactic History and Keylontic Science. You may purchase the rare e-book at this link. It is no longer available in print.  https://www.arhayas.com/products/voyagers-the-secrets-of-amenti-volume-2-2nd-edition

Walter Russell’s work is memorialized in The University of Science and Philosophy. Books, courses, Walter’s images and paintings and so much more. https://www.philosophy.org/#/