Global Situation Report Update

Situation Report and the need for Situational Awareness – Update
This situation update applies predominantly to the USA but has global repercussions.
Transcript from Lisa Renee’s discussion with students on September 4th 2023:
We are moving into the next stage of global warfare, and it’s important that you remember to stop fear or anxiety in its tracks, because God is your partner and you are going to be supported in creating the future you want for yourself and your family via the ‘Law of Structure’.
Edicts of War
We need to be very aware of the two edicts of war against Starseeds and Humanity by the NAA (Negative Alien Agenda) .
The first was September 11th 2001 (9-11); the event of the Adam Belial / Wicker Man ritual, that transpired in New York City. The destruction of the Twin Towers was a satanic ritual with global repercussions, as well as a line that was drawn in the sand by the Negative Alien Agenda invaders and their representatives we call the Cabal. That edict of war issued against the human population and Starseed population was 22 years ago.
However, on 8-8-23 in Maui, we had another declaration of war made against the collective human race.
The spiritual war has escalated into the next stage of matter manifestation into the timeline. What that means is that a next stage of seeing things manifest has begun; we’re going to see the warring events become more prevalent in the matter world. We are moving into a more active escalation of warfare, which means we will start to see an ‘Electrical War’ happening on surface earth.
Maui was the first sequence of a global operation set into motion by the global cabal or shadow government. Most of the operations are being orchestrated by the NAA directing factions of what is referred to as the Khazarian Mafia, together with the Black Sun Nazi infiltrations in the United States, working towards the One World Order through the Great Reset (agenda 2030) propaganda.
The headquarters, the main base, of the Khazarian mafia is within Israel, Switzerland and the United States of America. The recent false flag operations have systematically and methodically been working towards land grabs, and the confiscation of personal property by claiming eminent domain. An attempt to use the government to confiscate and repurpose our lands, and confiscate our agriculture in order to create a centralized power, a concentrated base of operations.
They are attempting to form a Black Sun geopolitical power center, that will gather loosh and energetic resources and channel them onto into a nominated planetary power grid. A grid which the Negative Aliens and the Cabal are in the process of repurposing, reconfiguring, and reorganizing for themselves and their representatives, which are mainly the billionaire class, or the celebrity class that we can see are helping to carry out these particular anti-human agendas.
The inter-dimensional warfare that has been happening in their deep underground military bases, (aka DUMBS) has resulted in the white hats and benevolent off world helpers, under the watchful eye of Guardian Host, taking control of the DUMBS in certain areas. As a result, the Cabal is re-grouping, re-configuring, and re-purposing in order to prepare for the next stage of this warfare. Maui in the Hawaiian Islands has been chosen as the new headquarters because of the powerful energies which are underneath the oceans, and its location near to the stargates which give interdimensional access into the inner timelines, or access to openings into the inner timelines or to the Inner Earth.
The events on Maui are the set up. This event was an act of war against the human population just as 9-11 was. If you’re not familiar with The Wicker Man ritual of the Belial Sun agendas of the Luciferians or Satanists, just go to the Ascension Glossary where it is explained. They use a particular military campaign in order to create holographic inserts and using various directed energy weapons, and what we have come to know as Project Blue Beam technologies, (I’m sure it’s called something else by now). Make no mistake these are false flag operations to stage various chaos or military operations to control the public, and to disarm the public in order to steal the public’s resources, lands, agriculture, everything they can. This is spiritual global warfare and we in the final battle stage. The edict of war was made clear; the NAA was basically telling us, “this is what we’re going to do now.” Land grabs, the [fake] climate control agenda, the setting of emergency lock downs (for fake emergency situations whether it is the CV plandemic’s next variant, sent out through electromagnetic waves, accompanied by broadcasts of fear, oppression, and propaganda. Maui is planned to be the center for their global operation- child trafficking schemes, their adrenochrome production, everything that these depraved creatures use and steal from the human beings and Earth.
Maui is also a strategic military location – an isolated island away from prying eyes. The billionaires can get there easily via private planes, and our magnetic rail trains located underground, but for others it’s difficult to travel to.
They can easily hide what they are doing on the ground to build their headquarters – their main focus being to further dismantle the United States.
We need to be aware of this agenda as calmly as possible and to avoid going into panic. In fact take a leaf out of the The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Novel series; Don’t Panic, please don’t panic.
It’s going to be scary. It’s going to look really bad to us, whatever it is, it is going to look quite terrible, and this is going to potentially put us into a state of fear and panic. This is what we must resist. We must stay calm and keep our wits about us. Don’t panic. You need to know what we are living through in order to give you tools and tips to more smoothly navigate through the challenges that some, by no means all of us, may have in the coming weeks.
Some people may not be aware of this warfare happening in the distance. They may be completely insulated from the impacts of this warfare. But people residing in high-risk areas of descending hubs, need to be awake and aware to our environment. Have hyper vigilance, situational awareness, so that you know to calmly and with critical thinking and common sense ask the right questions if and when problems arise. Do not panic. Know that the resolution is there waiting for you on the timeline. Okay?
Climate Change – or is it?
The narrative running alongside the plandemic has been “climate change, global warming but understand that this a cover for their electrical wars and weather wars. This includes chemtrails, it includes the spraying of the skies, whether it’s genetically modified mosquitoes, or it’s heavy metals like barium, strontium, or aluminum or different types of mind control experiments (mind control that they blast out into the environment from internet towers, cell towers, indeed any of the electromagnetic transmission methods), modified types of particles, protein chains or bio-chip systems.
We are coexisting in a world with many people that have been injected with a bioweapon. This means that many people around us are holding, heavy metal configurations or assembling bio-chips which results in the individual becoming a natural conductor of the artificial electromagnetic frequencies. Injected with self-assembling bots and Nano- types of materials which organize themselves as conductors, thus creating a biological machine inside of the unaware human being who is now operating as a Bluetooth node linked as part of a network, or a modem, an internet node for carrying artificial mind control signals.
Genetic Modification
Those of us that are extremely sensitive to electromagnetic energies, are badly affected by humans that have been weaponized in this way. People have become capable of transmitting electromagnetic genetic modification in the form of faulty protein instruction sets. Genetic modification of the organic, angelic human Diamond Sun DNA to further the transhumanist agenda is taking place through the so called vaccine industry, the pharmaceutical industry, medical industry, the chemtrail industry. Artificial programs, the embedding of holographic inserts and other technologies placed into social media, and cell phone or computer technology is affecting us consciously or unconsciously. However, it’s not something to fear, but be aware and know what the agendas are, so that you can protect yourself, those who look to you for protection.
The aliens cracked this method of genetic modification a while ago; they figured out that if they interfered with the protein chain assembly in our physical body at every level, they could shut off DNA switches because our body, and our DNA operates utilizing protein chains.
Hence their main way of creating diseases and making us ill, is by contaminating our foods, our air, water and anything else, with toxins designed to create faulty protein chains inside our body. This results in autoimmune diseases, (at least what they call autoimmune diseases; where your organic immune system fails to recognize your body’s organic, naturally functioning tissues, and starts to attack your cells). Eventually as your immunity is depleted and exhausted it adapts to these foreign invaders, and auto immune disease sets in, because your own body is being weaponized against you through this faulty protein chain, which is being recorded in the cells and disrupting cellular integrity. Cell to cell communication is interfered with due to this faulty protein chain in your cells. Hence the immune system is tricked and assumes a hyper immune state trying to fight whatever this pathogen/predator/parasite is, that the body is exposed to. This the source of the majority of the health problems that manifest as so called ‘diseases’ that we see in our world today. Make no mistake this is being deliberately created by the Negative Alien invader entities and their representative organizations like Big Pharma and the American Medical Association who brainwash and mind control the practitioners of western medicine.
Finding Solutions
Okay, so we’re living in sci-fi land. It’s a very weird, weird world, but we have many spiritual supports and solutions that are available to us. But in order to find the solutions, we have to understand there is a problem to begin with and ask the right questions. If we do not understand what is happening, or we ignore what is happening, or we don’t want to look at what is happening, that means we cannot ask the right question in order to find the right solution. To be awake and aware means we must be brave and calm in order to see all the gory details, we must have comprehension of all of these pieces. And once we see that overview and we understand it, then our higher consciousness can guide us naturally to find the solutions we require, and guide us through the dark maze of this spiritual warfare that we are all undergoing at this particular time. We are all being exposed to this warfare, no one is exempt.
The agenda in the coming weeks may include an attempt to roll out lock downs again, and force or coerce a new set of bio weapon injections. In the propaganda they call it vaccines, but all vaccines have been designed as genetic modification bioweapons. Yes, more people are awake now, and we hope people will unify and say no! but until it unfolds we do not know how far this will go. My guidance is, in the most peaceful way possible, do not consent to any of the Cabal 3D controller structures. Stay away from these controller structures as much as you can. Do not engage with them. Do not try to be a hero and run in there and try to expose it for what it is. This is heightened warfare and we need to be aware of our safety, we need to take care of each other, and we need to grasp the bigger picture.
Be aware there is no climate change – its propaganda supported by Cabal orchestrated false flag weather disasters.
There are at least 14 more cities in the United States, and others globally, which have been identified as ‘land grab’ areas. Lahaina was a test blueprint. They’re going to attempt to duplicate this same agenda. They may choose places that are already being designated SMART cities. Or places where there are temporary large gatherings of people as in the Burning Man example, where deep mud due to ‘unexpected flooding’ hampered movement out after media reports of an Ebola outbreak (who knows if that was true or not). Suddenly an emergency situation will be created with so called risk of disease pandemic accompanied by unexpected fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, weather wars of any type.
Directed Energy Weapons
Right now, because they are much more desperate to gain control; they’re using microwave weapons, directed energy weapons (DEW’s), and the “5G Internet of Things” as carriers to send massive amounts of data through the airwaves in order to achieve their objectives.
Again, please don’t be scared of this. Realise they’re desperate; they’re trying to grab resources everywhere they can. They’re trying to grab money. They’re trying to grab children. They’re trying to grab whatever they can grab. This is the smash and grab tactic, and they don’t care who sees them for what they are anymore. They’re not hiding it. They’re not trying to cover it. They use the media as the propaganda tool.
The important thing to remember is that the mind control programs target the negative ego which we can learn to tame. When we tame the ego (the negative polarity) we stop the victim victimiser programs and the sexual misery implants and even the Armageddon and pestilence program. Once we comprehend this, we can become the neutral observer and are empowered to clear ourselves of the old fears. This way we remain immune to the turbo charged fear porn propaganda.
The US Constitution is a ‘living document’
The United States is the hardest place for the Cabal to dismantle, because the United States Constitution, is a living document that holds the energy signature aligned with the truths found in the Natural Laws. The United States Constitution has a blueprint that is connected to the natural laws of God. Therefore, this becomes an ideological thorn in the side of the Negative Alien Agenda and other despots that want to design nations of mind slaves and brainwashed followers, rather than allow a nation of free independent thinkers who value personal freedom and hold reverence for life.
It’s all about personal freedom, because the only path to self-sovereignty is when an individual has autonomy. Your life force, your consciousness belongs to you, fully and completely. You as a self-sovereign being, as an individual, have a right, not only an incontrovertible right, but a divine right to:
- live your life as you see fit
- act upon your own judgment or discernment
- keep and use the products of your own effort. Choose where you place your time and energy, and therefore what you reap and sow as a harvest from your own energy and efforts.
You have every right to pursue the value systems of your life however you choose. This means that when we become collectivized under a Marxist hybrid of socialist-meets-communist overlay, which is really a trick and deception, a very clever deception by the Satanists and by the Negative Alien Agenda, to hook in the youngsters, because they’re promoting all these beautiful concepts as a bait-and-switch, in order to trap people in a consciousness trap where they give up their personal autonomy. They give up their personal individualism, and therefore they lose their self-sovereignty. That is the game of the Marxist/socialist/communist agenda of the Satanists that are playing out this ideological conflict as a part of this spiritual warfare against the natural laws of God and against the Law of One. Which is all about being God-Sovereign-Free, protecting self-sovereignty for all individuals.
Important Dates and Bifurcation
It looks like we have some important dates coming up. We are already coexisting in a strange world, but it’s about to get weirder. Some of us may perceive this bifurcation split happening more than others. And that is, as the war is escalating now, it’s going to generate several anomalies. Again, this may look scary sometimes. This is why it’s very important to understand what I’m telling you now. The war is already won! The war is already over in the higher realms. The vestiges are being played out on the planetary surface by the Cabal and its minions that is all.
A new phase begins with a bifurcation event September 28th for approximately thirty days.
This thirty-day bifurcation period has been an annual event for the last five years or so. It’s a thirty-day process of integration after we experience a splitting effect as we move away from the 3D timeline. Bifurcation typically brings the sudden ending of things that hamper ascension. All of a sudden you receive a major “lightning strike” in your life – this can be literal or proverbial or metaphorical – where all of a sudden you see things you did not see before and it puts you on a different trajectory and sometimes you may go through a spiritual nomad phase that’s needed and necessary in order for you to bifurcate away from people, places and things that no longer serve you on your organic ascension timeline.
October 4th is an important day. It is connected to the activation of the Cosmic Clock. In history during the time of the Sumerian invasion around October 4th until about October 15th to the 22nd, there was a calendar time shift orchestrated by the invaders. At the time of the Egyptian-Sumerian invasion the NAA started to infiltrate all of our cities and advanced civilizations and take control. Part of this process was orchestrated lost time of about a thousand years, a purposeful time shift – our calendar was intentionally shifted by the invaders. For example, it could have been a change from an organic global Solar to a false Lunar calendar. It was a deliberate distortion and reset of the timelines. This may be also related to the missing 13th sign of Ophiuchus (read more in the glossary). They have used various mechanisms in their attempt to exert timeline control over us because it disrupts our natural rhythms, our sleep rhythms, our calendar rhythm, our day and night rhythms. It renders us vulnerable. The activation of the Cosmic Clock corrects anomalies.
As the war escalates it’s going to generate strange anomalies. And that anomaly is related to an event we call bifurcation of time lines. If you read the Ascension Glossary section “Delineated Sections In Bifurcated Earth” you will discover more detail. A blended Earth reality is emerging as people of different consciousness levels unknowingly create different timelines. Our goal is to keep ourselves on the organic timelines. We have two organic and one inorganic AI timeline to choose from.
They are going to try to lure you into their consciousness traps through broadcasted fear, through seeing others’ incredible suffering. And what will be important is to know that you have the spiritual strength, the core strength inside yourself to be more powerful than the fear programs that they’re sending out, and to understand that you have the power given to you as a co-creator.
Law of Structure
Once you set up your Law of Structure, you consciously participate where you have placed intent, consent, and authority. You have the power to out-picture any of the problems that may appear to be impending, even if it appears somewhat tragic. Your goal will be to hold the out-picturing for yourself and your loved ones. Parents do have permission to represent their underage children. Through the strength that you hold in the Law of Structure, which grants your intent, consent, and authority to be solely with God you can create what you want in your world..
What we need to understand here is going towards God is the organic time wave, it is the organic ascension; anything outside of that is not.
This can be broken down in a very practical way and how you apply this in your day-to-day spirituality, when you are connecting to God and Christos. You are focusing on the organic timeline, and you’re not focusing on all of the other timelines co-existing simultaneously. These destructive timelines may come into your reality, you may see them clearly, because, you’re coexisting with others here, and some of the others around us are very fear based. They don’t understand what’s going on. They don’t know we’re in a spiritual war. And again, from that place of ignorance they may try to bring you into their dramas, into their fears. They may attempt to create that drama and fear within you, again, unknowingly in many cases, and you will need to have the inner strength to see the truth clearly and to hold that beacon of the light and truth while you are traversing some very dark passages. Again, this is not going to involve everyone, but it may be coming for some people, and this is who I’m addressing now. Especially those of you that have jobs in the 3D world, that have children in school, or have children at all, or have any level of regular interaction with the 3D control structures that are being highly weaponized at this time. Be very careful when interacting in any 3D structure as it is being weaponized. Be alert, be aware, because this is where they’re pounding people with mind control programs, with inorganic sprays of toxins, in order to create more chaos.
Timeline Trifurcation
What is being amplified at this time is that this bifurcation is moving us into a delineation of three, there is a third split happening. (see Glossary: Delineated Sections in Bifurcated Earth). We used to talk primarily about bifurcation as two, bi is two. What do we call this third split, as it a tri? This is a tri split occurring.
We’re going to be co-existing in a reality, in a one third section of a field that is completely split off from the other two sections. The third section of the bifurcation is going to include the upper timelines of 9D and above. If we were thinking about the three timelines of the bifurcation – where people are stationed, where they are going – we have the upper timeline that starts at the 9th dimensional (9D) layer and it’s being hosted by the Andromedan Aquaferion Shields through the gyroscopic motions of their shields. These are mostly – at least who I’m connecting to – the Blue Feather Family. This is our Aquaferion Blue Feather Shield of the KEE SA Family that is connected to what we call J12. This would be Yeshua’s cosmic family. Yeshua and Mary-Sophia’s family from their original J12 levels, their tone of KEE SA appears in the Blue Feather Family of the Aquaferion Shield. This family are going to be holding the upper timeline access of 9D and above through the Andromedan gyroscopic function. There’s some kind of tunnel within the Aurora Platforms in 8D-9D but it’s accessed at 9D level from the Andromedan level and above.
For those of us that are connected to the Cosmic Christos Dragon people, and part of the Emerald Order, we are a part of the Christos Founder genetics, the upper 9D timeline will start a base shield which we are being synchronized within. That means our base shields, our connections are being key-coded to this greater shield if this is in divine alignment with us. This would be the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father Elohei-Elohim Families that have been fast-tracked through different levels of the Starborn embodiment cycle; the Starhuman/Stardragon levels that some of us have been embodying or have been working on templating.
So, the upper zones are connected to the Solar Logos, to the Rishi, and where the dimensionalization of the Rishi and the Solar Logos for the Starseed Dragon people – these are the Starborn humans. At this point, that is a smaller community – it’s rare, so it’s not for all of us. But there are some of us that are moving to this shield now and this will possibly generate surreal anomalies. Things may look strange to you or there may be different things happening that are surreal. Again, don’t panic, this is what’s going on during this phase.
Initiation into a different stage of embodiment
Everybody in ES community knows that anytime we have a personal major initiation into a different stage of embodiment, we get attacked, we get targeted right? That’s just a par for the course, so there may be some of that as well to mitigate – especially since the Tiamat Logos newsletter came out. There has been the next stage of Merlion- Mer Line types, body parts, coming from Pegasus, coming from Tiamat to be reclaimed. We’re learning that the Pegasus peoples, and those body parts are coming in right now and this is the preparation for those of us to be on the upper timelines. So there’s a lot of attacking, and a clearing of trauma from past timelines as Pegasus people collect their pieces that are needed to create their personal Christ integration.
The upper zones of ‘Logos to Rishi’ are being dimensionalized for Starseed Dragon people. This means the body – the lightbody, our plasma orb body etc. – is being synchronized and attuned to the upper timelines that start at the 9D levels. If you want to read more go to Ascension Glossary Delineated Sections in Bifurcated Earth and the higher Ascension Earth Timeline. If you want to learn more of how this relates to the dimensions, go look at the ‘Four God World Domains’ and you’ll see more on the Angelic Human Ascension Vehicle into Four God World Domains. The inner world domain is 9D through 13D but this has been expanded further, into the entire Rishic layers. This is how it looks at least from this point, or the 14(D) and 15D is going to come through the 13D, because remember 13D is our 13th Pillar Gate. This is our Gate of the Mother Arc, the Elaysian Fields all of the blue frequencies coming from the Cosmic Spirit Body of the Mahara Reisha Worlds comes in. And we’re building these Rainbow Bridges in the Holy Mountains in order to bring these frequencies here.
So the inner world domain is accessed from the upper timeline, so that means, the inner world domain and the upper higher timelines are synonymous. It means those of us that are being attuned to the upper timelines will have an access into the inner world domains for transits, for travel, consciousness transport – it’s for travelling into the Incension.
Now for those that are in the median timelines. These median timelines are connected to the outer world domains and this is the 1D to the 5D timelines of the outer world domains – that’s the median timeline. And then we have the lower AI timeline, which again is the timeline of the inorganic timewave, what’s happening with the bioweapon injections, the transhuman agenda and all of that.
So for a while this is what’s going to be very strange for us. We’re going to be co-existing within a space sharing these realities simultaneously. Let’s say if you’re on the median timeline, that is your personal organic ascension timewave. And again, this is accurate for most people, you don’t need to worry or understand exactly where you’re positioned.
All you need to know is to intend to go directly go to the organic consciousness we call God;
that will take you to the organic timeline that you need to be on.
Most people on the planet are going to be going to the median timeline because that’s the 5D layers of ascension, where people that pass their body will be primed and prepped, to undergo clearing of mind control implants and conditioning and spiritual healing at various levels. Let’s say, for some people it’s better for them to drop their physical body and continue their consciousness journey development – they’re going to be directed towards the median timeline.
The Shadow identity will cease to exist
The dark ones – the people that are really involved in the Satanic ritual of child sacrifice, pedophilia and that kind of behavior, will find that the shadow identity in themselves will cease to exist. The darkest of the dark – black magicians, are going to be on the lower AI timeline. The majority of human beings, are going to be on the median ascension timeline. Someone has got to be feverishly working for the dark side to be on the lower AI timeline. Be aware however that we are going to see this AI timeline in action. It may even seem to be progressing! Fear not ! this AI timeline will never consume the Earth. Remember the war is over in the higher realms so this timeline will never prevail.
We have got to live through this next part of the process which enables the appropriate routing of the whole planet’s consciousness souls. Definitely no one will be left behind. However, we’re going to enter a bifurcation stage where it could get very strange. If something strange does happen please remember that you read this article and re-read it to remind you to stop panicking realise what we are living through and how you must do all in your power to avoid being caught in the consciousness trap of co-creating what the Cabal want. Their agenda will fail. What is happening is that the routing sorting process needs people to experience and then react to the spiritual warfare so their vibration can be read in order to match them to the timeline which suits them.
We’re going to be co-existing simultaneously in three main trifurcation states. We must stay aligned to our personal ascension timeline. Never get drawn away from it regardless of what you see happening in the outer domain.
Parallel Systems
Let’s speak about parallel systems and how they relate to bifurcation/trifurcation.
Our important dates to come are September 28th to October 4th and then on through the month of October. During that period there could be some wild anomalies or things happening in the outerscape because this time period will serve as the ‘tipping point’ of the timeline shift.
There may be some kind of emergency or a broadcast system transmission. Whether it’s spiritual connections, a spiritual emergency broadcast system, or something else, it may bring surprises that come from the ‘void space’ that we can’t see clearly right now. This is an opportune time to take stock in your personal life and have situational awareness. Prepare if you have children, if you have family, or others to take care of. Without fear and in calmness. Prepare without anxious hoarding. We are not going to have a global situation like a Mad Max Armageddon scenario in the United States or other western countries.
Obviously we have some horrible things going on, like what happened in Maui – that’s an Armageddon program, right? Those living in Lahaina, they went through an Armageddon program, that was a genocidal, murderous plot in order to do a land grab there and we’ve established that they are going to continue to do that. The issue is how far will they try to go and will they succeed or not? Mitigation and damage control is the key but what is important to comprehend is that if you are aware of what is happening why and by who, if you are awake and aware, nothing will happen to you, because you are co-creating your organic timewave with God, with the Christos. You understand that we’re undergoing Planetary Ascension. We are enduring the process of Planetary Liberation from a Prison Planet. Sadly, we do have casualties, it’s horrible and it’s very sad. However, we must avoid going into low vibe descending frequencies of fear or panic because we’re afraid of what may show itself.
So do be prepared for weirdness, potential anomalies, and surprises emerging from the void because we’re entering a very strange time of change between September 28th throughout October. The changes will eventually be solidified as we move through them. Realise that our planet and our body is ‘under construction’ and we are living through the architectural shifts in real time while inhabiting a physical body this is a unique situation.
You can be sure that there will not be a massive financial collapse. People in western civilization will be protected and the financial system will continue to function.
There are parallel systems in place now in a number of contexts. Plus as I have already said if you stay calm you and your Higher Self will discover a solution to any problem as it arises. Synchronize your intent, consent and authority and align yourself with what you know is real and true; your connection with God. Your connection with your God Self is the most important relationship to have. That you know that your God Self – or God – is the organic timewave and if you can’t immediately see the resolution to your problem, it’s not that it doesn’t exist, it’s just that you cannot see it yet.
Let me emphasise that in order to get a resolution to your problem, there is an active level of inquiring and looking for solutions that triggers the action which synchronizes you to your organic timewave, so that you can discover and see the answer to your problems. This is a key component to remember and so let’s break this down a little bit into practical action if and when problems arise. Or your situational awareness, brings something to your attention. Or you have to respond to something that has occurred in your life, whether it involves you personally or your family or any other inter-personal, social relationships that you may have.
The Law of Structure
Your Law of Structure is something that I guide you through with ES community tools. Every day if you strengthen your Law of Structure through prayer, meditation, or creating a sacred space and calling upon the Natural Laws of God, it builds your inner core self. From your core you may set your intent whether you wish to consent to authority or not. This is very important. When we interact with, let’s say, criminal systems and we give our consent to them, this can create a snafu or a problem in our manifestations because we have become in consent with a criminal system with antihuman agendas.
In most cases, if your Law of Structure is in place, meaning your praying, you’re working your spiritual tools every day – it is like building spiritual muscle, building strength. Your consciousness and your body is attuned to your God Self, and to your Christ Self. When you work with ES tools you’re setting a Law of Structure with the Christos. You’re setting a Law of Structure with the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. That is our mission statement, everything in our community is organized around this – we live it, we breathe it, this is our sole existence, to be in service to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One in the reclamation and service to the Christos Mission. When we strengthen this through our intent, consent and authority every day, this naturally puts us on the organic timewave.
The 3D is a criminal control system
If we tip over into fear, into chaos, or if we tip over into something that pushes our emotional buttons and we start to panic, be aware that we then start to engage with a heavily weaponised, criminal, third dimensional (3D) control system it can interfere with our manifestations. So, we need to be extra careful until it falls which you can be sure it will. In most cases therefore we can no longer rely on certain 3D structures to help us. Now sometimes, again God willing, God, our Guardians, our Teams, are going to help us navigate through in order to find a resolution to the problem. But in general, what I’m expressing is that you do not want to run to or engage with the 3D control systems because they are being weaponized against humanity. So that means no direct engagement to the best of your ability – and that, you do your best to stay low on the radar. You’re not rattling sabers or running into the criminal controller system because you think the legal system or medical system is going to save you, because right now it’s not.
So when you set your prayers, your meditations, you can purposely set your intent, consent and personal authority. We’ve had many threads and some blogs talking about what we do not consent to and certainly that began with the plandemic, where we were saying we do not consent to this mass murder, we do not consent to this weaponization of the medical system, we do not consent to this bio-weapon. All of those are powerful words you can use to command your own personal space in your organic timewave which is your Law of Structure. The Law of Structure is the structure you create, the energy container you create for yourself with your 12D Christos shield and your prayers. That’s your energetic protection. Set a Law of Structure that is connected to the natural laws of God.
Now that you have knowledge as a foundation and you have your Law of Structure in place, let’s say a problem arises. There are some tools in ES which you can use. Let’s say, higher sensory perception where you’re doing an energetic scan of the problem. But if that is too complicated, at a very practical level you can, if and when, a problem arises, first analyze the situation. Use some critical thinking and common sense. Get your situation awareness, analyze the situation and the problem and then once you understand what the problem is, inquire on the tasks in order to look for a solution.
If your Law of Structure is in place and a problem arises (such as an emergency situation or chaotic stuff going on around you, evacuation or some such, calmly analyze the situation, analyze the problem. Go within into your personal 12D shield, understand that your prayer has set the Law of Structure and pose a question to your spiritual guidance to inquire on the best action to take, so that you can look for the best and most effective solution for yourself, and/or your family. Then, know that the solution exists on the organic timewave.
The 12D Shield as protection
A lot of the time when we have problems we go into a cycle of detrimental self-talk, where we’re in fear or we’re worried or concerned because we cannot immediately see a resolution to our problem so we believe no solution exists. This is not actually true! There is a resolution to our problems already existing in the organic timewave – the issue is, is that we can’t see it yet, but in right timing it’s going to manifest itself. When you participate with this process, the solution will manifest in a graceful and easy way for you. The surreal trifurcation situation we’re going to be living through will support you getting all your needs met, and bring you support and protection, while your neighbor may not be afforded the same. That may surprise you but it depends on the timeline you choose to live with.
As an example of what I mean: a long, long time ago when I was living in Malibu California there were a lot of fires (there always are in that region). I was doing the 12D shield around the house when fires were ravaging everywhere. I left the house and I returned to see there was literally a large circle around the house I was living in, along with a few other houses; they were under the shield of protection. Fire had ravaged through the tract homes but left ours unscathed. That is the kind of surreal situation that can happen during the anomaly of trifurcation that is occurring. The goal is to remain calm and not be scared or panicked if you see something happening to someone near you. Never automatically think the same will happen to you. Let’s be clear this is not about withdrawing empathy, love or compassion from others, it’s understanding that first you take care of yourself and then inquire on the best action, in order to seek the solution.
Know that your solution has been already created; it’s already existing in the timeline, you just can’t see it yet, because it’s found in the organic timewave. God has not abandoned us. Our God Self has not abandoned us to this dire situation. We will be given what we need when we ask for it. We may not always get what we desire, when we make demands or snap our fingers that we want this-that-and-the-other, but with humility, we will get what we need to take care of ourselves and to take care of our families.
The issue is, is to not panic and be scared because of whatever situation you may see in your environment. Instead, to calmly analyze the situation and problem, asking for direct guidance and inquiring on the tasks or actions that you have to take in order to find a solution. That means you have to actively energize the consciousness of your personal Law of Structure. The Law of Structure functions as your consciousness container. Where’s your consciousness being focused? Where’s your energy being directed? Intentionally direct it into your Law of Structure by asking the question, then taking an action to actively look for a solution. When you inquire and ask a question of your inner guidance, you automatically go into the meditational state of alpha which is performing an action. That action is a consciousness that enlivens and activates your Law of Structure, this is the foundation of your spiritual lightbody.
So know the solution is on your organic timewave. Your solution is going to be with God, with Christ, so develop your direct relationship with God.
The big challenge we are all going to have, and we’re already experiencing this; we’ve been primed over the last few years; is seeing others suffer greatly. Being aware of the war, who’s waging it and why, does not negate the horror of seeing deliberate attacks made against humanity. Our compassion and empathy goes out to others that are suffering; Lahaina for example.
When we are enduring changes occurring in our personal world, possibly uprooting our personal lives, I’m hoping that this information will empower you to stay out of fear, and to get out your “Don’t Panic!” button. Then start to understand that your solution, your resolution to problems exists in the organic timeline – organic timewave – that that you are consciously moving towards that, and you just haven’t seen it quite yet.
It’s going to manifest for you and you’re going to get your needs met. Be certain and trust that God has your back, God has an answer for you.
God has got your back
We know with certainty there’s an answer to the problem because God has got our back and we are co-existing in this world where we’re moving towards the organic timewave. And that organic timewave is going to be the location, it’s going to be the space, where we get the right answer to our problems. We’re not going to have this Armageddon scenario worldwide, the kind of situations that the cabal and the entities are attempting to get us to co-create with them. They’re trying to lure us into a consciousness trap that humanity is destined to suffer some kind of nuclear or solar devastation that comes with complete annihilation of the human race. This is something a lot of people are believing. This is not happening. That outcome is merely a part of the 9-11 Armageddon software of the NAA.
God helps those spiritually connected who are willing to help themselves.
At the same time we have to have the calm, emotional maturity and willingness to see, that yes, there are people around us that are being exposed to these horrors and they are suffering terribly. Many do not understand how to connect with God and to find this organic timewave. Many do not know about the spiritual ascension process that we’re enduring as a planet and as a species, and that this spiritual warfare is going on. We need to be calm. We need to work with all our tools and clear the negative ego and the fear that grips our mind, right? Be calm, be neutral, and find compassionate witnessing as the practical application in daily life. There are going to be times in the next cycle that we’re moving into now, where you will need to do more than say prayers. You may need to inquire on the task at hand, and take an action. This isn’t something to worry about, I’m just asking you to pay attention to that inner guidance and the whispers you receive from your Higher Self. Pay attention. Ask the right question in your situation, what tasks at hand are you personally responsible for? God helps those spiritually connected who are willing to help themselves. It means if and when, we have an action that we must take, we must listen to that guidance and act accordingly. And that means we may have to push through fear, push through resistance, maybe even through a form of inner struggle, in order to realise that we have to take a certain action so that we can energize our Law of Structure.
The Law of Structure is your consciousness container
The Law of Structure that exists in your prayers, in your intents, in your spiritual practice is your consciousness container. That’s the container in which your consciousness is projecting your organic timeline – your organic ascension timeline, and it’s a part of your lightbody, it’s your consciousness. Now that you have the container and the Law of Structure that’s fully connected to communicate with God, fully connected to Christ, the Christos Mission, the Christos peoples, as a Christos individual then you energize your container with your actions, because you are directing the power of your consciousness into your Law of Structure in order to find solutions. To find what you need, that in itself is an active principle; you are collaborating with God; this is responsible co-creatorship. We are moving into a phase of responsible co-creatorship now because that active principle now is being energized.
You have God as a partner in your life, and God is going to be leading you in different spaces and places during this phase, now you’re learning how that co-creatorship role actually works. This is the practical application of all you have learned thus far on the spiritual journey. This is the structure of responsible co-creatorship that we’re moving into now.
Thank you. May we end with a group prayer and knowing that many people are having a very difficult time at this particular juncture we send GSF blessings.
Healing Prayer
Beloveds may we join together in a healing prayer:
Beloved Holy presence of God, we call upon the agents of spiritual healing, the highest God forces of energetic balance, coherence, sanity, and health. We request the presence of God’s eternal Spirit, the Holiest Spirits, the highest expression of truth, protection and healing for people being directly impacted by the targeting technologies that are designed to instigate harm, pain and suffering in the human race.
In our direct connection, and eternal love and reverence for God, for all of life, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, we know in our crystal hearts that all things are made possible.
Please be with our community. Please be with all people directly needing your benevolent and compassionate care and support now. Please hold their hand through this stage of Planetary Ascension and trifurcation blessing their heart, their soul, their spirit. Please hold all of our group community crystal heart within yours.
May we pray together, may we pray for our community, members, friends, acquaintances, family members, all those that are impacted by forces with intent to harm, to be directly connected to the healing Spirits of Christ, Christos in the sacred Kryst-Krystallah. To be renewed, to be healed in mind, body, heart, soul and spirit.
Beloveds please help to bring clarity to each individual’s personal vision, allowing them to deeply feel the truth, to deeply know the truth spirit and bring transparency to any and all situations that are being confused with subterfuge, interference and manipulation.
So that all grief, suffering, pain, and ancestral or genetic patterns and their energetic confused and discordant energies, such as personal and planetary miasmas, can be released, can be healed completely and totally, clarified in the highest eternal light of truth that is God, dissolved in the unconditional love, dissolved in the perfect peace that is God.
Please give our community the strength, the power, the endurance, to move forward on this ascending path and the spiritual mission that is uniquely theirs. Guide all of us towards improved health, sanity, and clarity during these chaotic times, guiding us with the inner wisdom to identify all healing sources that are to our healing benefit, and to fully align with our personal and collective divine purposes, as God would have it be.
We call upon the eternal crystal forces, the eternal God forces to bless and baptize us, so that our crystal heart, soul and spirit may rise to experience directly God’s love, compassion and care.
May we focus God’s healing love and compassion for all of our community, and towards all targeted individuals to find the inner spiritual strength to remain clear, awake, conscious, and self-aware.
We hold prayers for all those whom are feeling unwell. We hold prayers for all those whom are sick, or in pain, scared or confused during this tumultuous time. We bless our community and all people with this prayer, may the agents of healing for God be with you. May the love, care and healing of the Holy Spirits and the Cosmic Mother presence be with you in mind, body, soul and spirit now.
Peace be with your heart. Peace be with your mind. Peace be with your body. May all be in the unconditional love held in the Eternal Light of God and Christ. And so it is.
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Thank you so much for reading this transcript. I pray that this is supportive and helpful to each one of you. Again, we send our love and support to all and we seal our communication in the eternal living light of God and the sacred Kryst-Krystallah.
Thank you God. Thank you, God. Thank you, God. And so it is.
May you feel perfect peace within you,
Lisa Renee September 4th 2023
copyright notice (creative commons 3.0 BY-SA)
Read more on the trifurcation here

From the beginning of all this chaos- I was aware that it was a “spiritual war” and the worst thing we will ever see. I deeply appreciate that this has been written and aligned with what I have believed to be true and continues to unfold. I appreciate all the support that is within this update.
With deep gratitude for your understanding and sharing!
Blessings to you, With love and light only,
Amen and AMEN! Thank you!
Thank you, I needed this info today. Blessings