I called my book Finding Truth, Finding Health because of my commitment to discovering the truth about who we are, where we came from and why we are here. In the process of seeking answers I also found ways to heal mentally, emotionally and physically and become whole again.
When I think back to my own awakening I realise that I had begun to question what life was really about. I had experienced a great loss and it caused me to re-assess. In that state of wondering what next I was open to new ways and new perspectives. Therefore, when the new information began to be shared with me I heard it. I had ears to hear as they say. I was curious. I was interested. I explored and researched to check out this new stuff.
I was on a quest. And the Universe gave me answers. If I had not been given the Divine Nudge and experienced the loss I would not have been searching so would not have discovered metaphysics, esotericism, philosophy, the human energy system, the true history of the world, or my purpose. I would not have changed my worldview to multidimensional from material 3D. I would not have studied the Quantum model, I would have continued with the old erroneous Newtonian model as the best way of looking at the world.
They say when the student is ready the teacher appears. It’s very important that the student chooses the Grade teacher at the level of class they are ready to join . A University level teacher is best suited to University level students. If a student is not questing then they will not hear the lessons being taught.
Disclosure of the truth of what’s happening in the world with regards to lies, deception, loss of liberty, loss of personal privacy, government overstepping their remit, corporations controlling governments, a few wealthy elites controlling corporations, communism, fascism and Marxism infiltrating and subverting Liberalism and Democracy, evil winning over good, death cults gaining members, Satanic worship becoming overt, acceptable and mainstream, alien invasions and stealing of resources, brainwashing, social engineering, and mind control, and Healthcare and Big Pharma putting profits before cures, and business models before public health, coerced genocide is happening all around us, but people are not seeing what’s in front of their eyes.
Leonardo da Vinci said “there are those that see, those that see when shown, and those that never see”.
People are not wanting to wake up because they don’t know they are asleep.
Those who are awake may end up having to carry the sleepers onto the Ascension timeline but they may never get any thanks.
Have you heard of the Disclosure Movement? No, then look through the list below and research, research, research. And remember, research is not changing channels on the remote or expecting Google to give you the truth. Start with Duck Duck Go as your browser or you’ll get nowhere. Those marked with ** are best researched through the Glossary of my teacher Lisa Renee https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Main_Page
The Nazi’s always said ‘the bigger the lie the more it’s believed’.
Tell me have you heard of any of the following?
What do you know about:-
The word Draconian** as being used today – and where it came from?
Nano technology**
Morgellons disease**
Genetic engineering through the ages**
AI – artificial intelligence**
Lemurian Holocaust**
Atlantean Holocaust**
Lucifer rebellion**
Satanic Ritual Abuse**
Socially engineered transgenderism**
The De-population Agenda of Bill Gates
Agenda 2030
The Great Reset
The Deep State
Sex slave trafficking – a recruit in every school in USA – 150 billion a year USA industry
Child pornography abductions
Snuff movies
Human Sacrifice**
Cannibalism of children**
The rate of incest in USA homes is now 10%
Mind Control and brainwashing**
MK Ultra**
The Monarch Program
Operation Mockingbird and MSM Propaganda
Project Paperclip**
How the CIA came in to being
How Aliens supported the Nazi’s in WW2
Why the Nazi’s didn’t lose the war
How the Americans were offered technology by Aliens after WW2 and created Area 51 for Alien/Human research
Present Crimes against Humanity
Present Human Rights Abuses
How Big Pharma’s business model denies the possibility of creating cures
Super Soldiers
20 and Back Space Program
Have you read the book 1984
Have you heard of Baphomet?**
Do you know what’s going on in Israel right now?
Do you know what Court case has been accepted by the International Criminal Court in the Hague this year as Crimes against humanity and Nuremberg Code Violations?
Patented voice to skull mind control technology embedded in 5G technology
I have spent 25 years researching these topics. When you have done the same then come and tell me that they do not exist and they are all conspiracy theory.
A wonderful erudite article by the author Donald Jeffries who says “…I hope that I’ve shown conclusively in my books that conspiracies are not only very real, but are in fact the way that our leaders conduct business. They don’t know any other way….”
- Hidden History: An Exposé of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American History
- Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963