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A personal note to you and a little background about me...

Rita Marr

Let's get to know one another...

In 1991 personal trauma woke me up.  In searching for answers to overcome the shock of the loss of everything I knew, I met a natural healer who finally helped me open my eyes to the real world beyond the third dimensional matrix.  My physical being was delighted to learn of the existence of my so-called Higher Self and Soul.  I learned how to connect to this wonderful multidimensional aspect of me, then I set about discovering my life purpose. I had known from the age of sixteen that my purpose here was to help others.  It just took me until the age of almost forty to discover just how I was meant to do that.  I had already spent years seeking natural solutions for my own health issues and researching natural remedies so deciding on second career came quite naturally in the end.  I trained for my second career as a Spiritual Psychotherapist, Energy Healer and Teacher of Metaphysics. I know now that my Soul’s guidance has been invaluable in making the years since 1991 fulfilling and successful.

I grappled with Quantum Physics and the concept that the observer affects the observed. I came to fully appreciate the Universal Laws. I successfully mastered the power of intention and began to grasp the nature of the Morphogenetic Field that connects us all and enables everything to come into existence. I discovered the importance of Hara Lines, Toroids and Spiral Vortices, and my work rose to another level.

In March 2016 I received an email from Sally Reid, then unknown to me, who asked to make an appointment for a Haric Alignment. During the first five minutes of the video call we both felt there was a bigger reason for our meeting than just an alignment. Sally, who is a Medical Intuitive and a clear channel for Spirit heard a message spontaneously come through for me. She suddenly said, “My Guides say they have information for you that will enhance your understanding of the Hara Lines, eventually you will write a book to disseminate this information.” We were both quite shaken by this revelation I can tell you.

Then suddenly I recalled that a Psychic had said to me when I was in my twenties, ‘you will write a book.’ I had written many student manuals and blogs over the years. Many people had asked ‘when are you going to write a book?’ but I never felt the impulse. Suddenly the best opportunity in the world was being offered to me. How could I do anything but embrace the chance to fulfil my purpose at the next level?

We had both been picked to fulfil a mission. The Council of Truth had been consistently sharing their knowledge for thousands of years and finally it was our turn to be the messengers. Sally is a clear channel and I used my scribing skills to take the channeled words and mold them into a clear and readable format that is easy to teach and understand. My Certified Trainer of NLP skills came in very handy. I was able to ground the information. I am delighted to have been able to fulfil my spiritual calling in a such an aligned way. I owe deep gratitude for most of what I share with you to The Council of Truth and Sally for being their mouthpiece.

As I look back over my life, I wouldn’t change a thing. All the trials and tribulations were learning opportunities where I was guided by my Soul, given the ‘Divine Nudge’ you might say, to get back onto the path I had chosen to tread in my earthly life. Sometimes if we are going in the wrong direction Spirit finds a way to place a hurdle before us so that in our quest to get around it we find a whole new route opening up. A route that is easier and more suited to who we are.

Jim Carey once said when addressing graduation students “Our need for acceptance can make us invisible in this world. Risk being seen in all of your glory.”

I am here, risking all, to share with you information which I truly hope will be life changing enough for you to want to share with others.

I believe the only limits we have, are the ones we create. That being the case we can choose to un-create them and be limitless.

Astrologically my chart shows my greatest joy is found through learning, communication and the discovery of truth.  This site is my offering to share knowledge with you on how to transmute and overide low vibrational frequencies, embody the truth frequency, and reclaim your original divine Christos (Krystos) blueprint. 

What follows is a potted history of my worldwide journey over the last thirty years as I strove to reach higher and higher levels of consciousness, and connect with my multi-dimensional selves, Soul, Monad (OverSoul) and Avatar.  

My journey took me to The Netherlands for two years in the early 1990’s where I learned of Reiki for the first time. That set me off on my energy healing journey and in due course began my metaphysical teaching career.

My journey then took me to Australia in 1994 where I learned the Silva Method of harnessing the power of the mind and experienced the beauty of the outback.

My journey continued in England from the mid 1990’s where I met Coby Zvickler who introduced me to my Higher Self via his Empower method .  Also where I learned Reflexology, Bowen Therapeutic Technique, Swedish massage, NLP, and Hypnotherapy.   I found Homeopathy. I also undertook the Awakening your Light Body course brought forth by Orin and DaBen..  I founded a Metaphysical Training Academy in rural Derbyshire, The Sothic Centre, where I taught NLP, Hypnotherapy, Channelling, Reiki and Awakening Your Light Body courses for years until I left the UK for a new life experience. 

My journey took me to Mount Shasta, Oregon in 1996 where I trained as an Awakening Your Light Body teacher with Duane Packer and the late Sanaya Roman, channellers of Orin and DaBen.

My journey took me to Big Island Hawaii in 1997 to learn ancient Huna.  The basic teaching of the ‘three selves’ or ‘three minds’ in my book comes from the ancient teaching of Huna.  The ‘Kahuna’ were the teachers, the healers, who knew about the three minds thousands of years ago and kept their communities mentally healthy as a result. That is until the European missionaries arrived!  The volcano erupted the day after I left!

My journey took me to the USA in 1999 to certify as a Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques for positive change from perhaps the best known NLP Trainer of the time, Tad James.

My journey took me to Cape Town South Africa for many years beginning 2003 where I lived with the amazing energy of  Table Mountain.  It was there I befriended a wonderful female Sangoma who introduced me to African traditional healing methods. And where I met Tanya Collop who taught me about color therapy and who continues to this day to be my research partner.   We push the boundaries of energy healing.  Also where I met channel Theresa Walstra, whose Guide Cynthia shares wisdom in my book Finding Truth, Finding Health. 

I was a regular guest at St Francis Health Centre, located in the African bush, with Giraffe, Springbok,  and Zebra as neighbours. It was here the Austrian Homeopath and Naturopath,  the late Anneliese Cowley’s amazing intuitive healing techniques , and her beautiful Labyrinth, taught me a great deal in the process of healing and detoxing after my divorce. Her mantra was: ‘Health is more than the absence of disease, it’s an embracing of life!

My Journey took me to Canada to start a new life in 2018 and heal some pretty serious karma relating to events that occurred in that country in the early 1800’s.  I also studied Human Design and Numerology in order to assist others with insights into Life Purpose and World Service.

As featured in Energy magazine