We’ve called for Divine Intervention and been heard….

We’ve called for Divine Intervention and been heard…….

this is how it is happening right now…….


Black Goo (programmable AI)

“Alien Black Goo”, acts as a faux synthetic artificial intelligence elemental that mimics and controls carbon allotropes, and how they function in the dodecahedron structures on earth. Black Goo is the means by which the Negative Alien Agenda of characters, such as Annunaki, Belial Sun, Black Sun, Reptilian, Necromiton, et al have been accessing carbon elements in order to control matter forms, including taking control over the genetic expression of the human body.  

Black Goo appears to have had its point of entry into Earth around the time of the Nephilim Wars 75,000 years ago. The Nephilim were the result of an Annunaki – human breeding programe.  The war was instigated when the Elohim evicted the Annunaki as this form of genetic tampering was against the Law of One. 26,000 years ago the Annunaki and their sympathizers, both the Draconians and Sirian Annunaki hybrids, eventually returned to Earth and the war events that followed are known as the Luciferian Rebellion and the Atlantic cataclysm.


Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale, and, for our purposes of discussion, also on the quantum levels. Recently, the massive influx of Cosmic Rays together with intergalactic plasma gases, into the Earth Core and Polar Regions, along with the alien attempt to harvest and collect this new incoming energy source, has revealed the deeper purpose of Black Goo. 

The massive plasma gas transmissions are intended to shift the dark matter template in the earth at the elemental level. The transmissions are transforming carbon allotropes that are present in Fullerenes. A Fullerene is a molecule of carbon in the form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, tube, or many other shapes. Spherical fullerenes are also called Buckyballs.  Carbon allotropes such as Fullerenes are solids in normal conditions, but are changing their state of matter into liquids at subatomic scale, due to the massive amount of recent plasma gas exposure.    To control genetic expression, AI needed control over carbon-based matter at the molecular level.  This was achieved via the spherical fullerene.

The Dark Matter Template is the dark matter instruction set of the planetary body. In certain areas the Template has been filled with this Alien Black Goo. The Black Goo was programmed into the dark matter template of the Earth’s Lightbody to block function.  

How False Realities and false timelines were built by the NAA

This programmable Alien AI has infected carbon material and has taken over the platonic solid Dodecahedron and related pentagonal geometries, that build time-space constructs. These time-space constructs are instruction sets in the morphogenetic field that run into the Ley Lines of the planetary body. This is how the NAA have built artificial realities and false Timelines and projected them into false holograms. 

Dark Matter is a layer of matter which is part of the building blocks of created matter.  The planetary body Dark Matter template began to be restored by the Guardian host families in or around 2014. This was the beginning of the Mother’s Sophianic Body Corrections.

The Rasha Body and Rasha Instruction Sets

Rashala is the antidote to AI assimilation of our planet and human bodies.

The planetary Dark Matter Template is termed the Rasha Body.  The Rasha Body had been severely damaged by the colonization of assorted genetic lab AI, hybrid shadow creatures, or shadow monsters, AI, nanotech, the beast machine, the Wesan black hole entities, Transhumanism, the Typhon Tunnels.   All of these beast machine, AI hybridized, alien machinery, rely for their existence upon artificial black goo, along with artificial intelligence, and shadow elementals, all of which are controlled by on and off planet AI Alien Machinery.

All these black AI subtle forces, and all kinds of frozen black miasma, black goo, and artificially generated elementals, were deliberately placed into the planetary Dark Matter template, for the purpose of attempting to destroy the Rasha Body Instruction Sets required to activate conditions suitable for the Triple Solar Reisha, to reconnect into our system.  The Reisha have the ability to ensure the Earth’s Aton Body connection.

The Aton body is the antidote to the AI assimilation of our planet and human consciousness bodies. Once the Aton is activated, it changes and shifts the Akashic Records in our blood and in our body. This is a newly available aspect of ascension – in the past even though it could happen for us individually,  it was extremely rare.

The repaired planetary Rasha Body Instruction Set was created and birthed beginning February 22 of 2022.  The Rasha and the Aton are now connected.

Holographic Geography 

Our planet was put on a false 23° wobble in order to disconnect all of the various vortices and power grids that we can see the remnants of in megalithic structures, Stone Circles, Pyramids etc. These structures, some on the surface of the earth grid that are visible, and some which are not visible to us because they are either underground or obfuscated by those entities attempting to maintain control over them, were built originally to connect holographic geography, in the surface grid of our planet, with levels of geometric intelligence in the star systems and celestial bodies in our local universe.

Quantic Field Impact to Space-Time

Currently the planetary body is undergoing space-time reorganization and that ripples out into a lot of strange anomalies that influence the quantic field. 

Space-time reorganization causes time lines to collide;  the multi-dimensional intersection of multiple time fields takes place. 

Space-time reorganization is a blending into no time, spiral time, and into the heart of the Zero Point.  This results in a lot of chaotic electromagnetic disturbances, eruptions, and distortions in the collective field.

The Core Manifestation Body, the 12 Sphere Kathara Grid is currently undergoing alteration, which impacts the Dark Matter Body both in us, and in the Earth.

Dark Matter Body

Recently the Earth’s Dark Matter Body was adjusted so that it would only function outside of the black hole technology suppression. The Earth’s Dark Matter Body has also begun to generate more pranic life force to both build and sustain new Light Body Sheaths for the Earth body.

As we move from Harmonic Universe One (1D, 2D,3D) into the next Harmonic Universe (HU2 – 4D,5D,6D), there are new communication systems coming online to help re-align dormant Earth portals, with the ancient megalithic structures (as originally intended and designed). 

Simultaneously a massive shift at the quantum scale is changing the Law of Structure in our planet.  Specifically this is causing a change in the metaphysical architecture that governs function over both our matter body, and our subtle energy bodies. The Dark Matter Template Body [(aka Rasha body] governs function over our matter body, merging with the eternal source layers of our higher consciousness bodies.

To support the planet’s move into the next harmonic of the Universal Time Matrix many changes are occurring.  For example the appearance of the organic planetary dark matter template activation synchronized with major geomagnetic events:  transfiguration of the lunar forces:  reduction of effectiveness in alien technologies used to artificially control Earth’s magnetic and gravitational fields.

The dark matter body is the connector link between the infinite Eternal Light Spiritual Source Body and the finite level of the Light source body.  The dark matter body builds the metaphysical layers of the Lightbody necessary to create the physical material atoms that make up the Atomic Body. Essentially, firstly the eternal spirit body creates the layers of the dark matter body.  Then the dark matter body creates the layers of the lightbody.  The lightbody then creates the layers of the physical matter body at the atomic level.  During the bifurcation shift to the next harmonic universe, we are observing the dark matter template and the dark matter body layers appearing in sheaths, that are coming online and activating a new functional level of connecting the earth body to the eternal source flows.

Removing Black Goo and Repairing Planetary Rasha, by the means of Black Crystal Sands and the Heavenly Void Sun

The good news is our Creators and Founders in the God Worlds, specifically our Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix in Harmonic Universe 6, have been conceiving a way to neutralize Black Goo to literally stop it in its tracks.  Thank goodness they have created a solution in the form of Black Crystal Sands – a unique and newly created anti-black goo formulation.  Not only does Black Crystal Sand have the ability to neutralize and stop Black Goo in its tracks it is also capable of repairing NET mutations.

Another new creation of Holy Mother and Father is an organic black subtle force called a Transfiguring Dark Matter Sun [aka Heavenly Void Sun].  This Transfiguring Dark Matter Sun has the power to purge shadow forms that were generated by the NET mutations. 

The Black Sands &/or Void Suns are appearing in the dark matter fields, to manifest new and fresh colors within the liquid rainbow light seeds that burst forth into lush plasma flowers in order to carry out their rescue mission.